"Exact" type will always delay by the selected amount of frames. OoS Reaction Time is an integer value of frames to delay the selected OoS option from executing.Debug Menu -> CPU Codes -> Added "OoS Reaction Time" and "OoS Reaction Time Type".Debug Menu -> Training Codes -> In-game Toggles -> Save States/Replays -> Added an option for enabling random damage percents for all characters upon a Load State (min/max random damage can be specified).361 = Fox grounded shine that is jump cancelable, but 361 can be a different special move for other characters). Debug Menu -> Training Codes -> Color Overlays -> Action State Overlays -> renamed some of the action states at the end of the list to display the action state ID value, which allows easier mapping of color overlays to special moves (ex.Enabled CPUs (includes HMN's Nana) to be able to use C-Stick in Develop Mode.X+A 20XX Reset on the CSS or Debug Menu now resets any currently toggled alternate costumes/characters/metal skins.Added "JAB COUNTER / LINK WINDOW" as a Magus Physics Display option to show internal variables used for linking jabs (see this post by myself regarding performing The Gentleman).Options are OFF/ON/4+ PLAYER OR DOLPHIN.Debug Menu -> Stage Codes -> Lagless FoD options have been changed and now include a variation of this updated code.Debug Menu -> Textures -> Replaced "Icy" Fountain of Dreams with "Northern Lights".Debug Menu -> Textures -> Added "Gold" Battlefield.Debug Menu -> Textures -> Added a "Character Select Screen" toggle with options of DEFAULT and TRI-CSP.Watermelon Falco (Green Falco R-Alt) includes updated offscreen textures.Peach: down-b pull (default/specific turnip/bomb/saturn/beamsword/random item).Debug Menu -> Character Codes -> Added the following:.
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Added a toggle for enabling the 2-frame window Smash Turn code (Magus v3.0).Debug Menu -> Mechanics Codes page has been added.In-game Toggles -> 20XXTE Input Display now persists across matches.In-game Toggles -> Replay Menu -> 20XX CPU Type now persists across matches.Also remember that the control stick deadzone for the CSS is not the same as the in-game one used for character inputs.
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With this controller info window still displayed, holding the Z Button and pressing D-Pad directions (left/right for x-axis, up/down for y-axis) will allow manual adjustment of the controller origin values. The top line of this window now shows the current control stick x & y-axis calibration values (type = int8_t), which is the location of the control stick when the controller was plugged in or reset. Controller Origin Adjustment -> Introduced in v4.06 was the ability to press D-Pad Down at the CSS to display a window showing analog controller values.A few new features and changes made their way in during the development process as well.
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This update is mainly to address bugs in v4.06. "VERSION 4.07+" should now be seen on the main Debug Menu page, and on the Back Button texture in the Character Select Screen.